Member News

Member News

CASS – Digitizing Documents Support Social Sciences

The Report on Digital China Construction and Development 2017, released by the National Internet Information Office on May 9, indicates that the National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation (NCPSSD) has made prominent contributions to the integration and sharing of academic resources in philosophy and social sciences.

Member News

ECHIC 2018 Conference

In April 2018, the Faculty of Arts of KU Leuven and KU Leuven Libraries are hosting a European Conference for the Humanities on behalf of the European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres (ECHIC).

Member News

FISP – 24th World Congress of Philosophy, WCP 2018

The World Congress of Philosophy is organized every five years by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP) in collaboration with one of its member societies. The XXIV World Congress will be held in Beijing, China, from August 13 to August 20, 2018, under the auspices of the Chinese Organizing Committee.

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