
CIPSH Board Members (2023-2027)

About the Board (cf. CIPSH Constitution ARTICLE VIII – BOARD)

  1. The Board shall exercise the functions of the governing body of CIPSH between sessions of the Executive Committee and consists of the President, who is also President of CIPSH, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, the immediate Past President, two to four Vice-Presidents, a Deputy Secretary-General, and a Deputy Treasurer.
  2. The officers of the Board are elected by the General Assembly.
  3. The Board shall meet at least twice a year for the transaction of such necessary business as may arise between meetings of the Executive Committee. It shall also meet when the Secretary-General faces the need to make decisions related to activities unforeseen in the plan of activities, or whenever the President or any of its members identifies such a need.
  4. Members of the Executive Committee of CIPSH, as defined in article VII, article 2, may be invited to attend Board meetings.
  5. The Board shall recommend to the Executive Committee the names of three persons to serve as Nominating Committee for the election of the new Board.
  6. The Board can if needed meet by video-conference.
  7. The Secretary-General shall prepare and circulate the minutes of such meetings to the Board members. Following a preliminary adoption of the minutes, the Secretary-General shall send the minutes to the Executive Committee.
  8. The officers of the Board of CIPSH are re-eligible to the same office twice, thus serving for a maximum of two terms of four years in one office. An officer may be re-elected for another office for a period of maximum one term of four years. At each election of a new President, the immediate past President continues as a member of the Board until his or her successor remains in charge.
  9. A member of the Board may thus be elected for different function, but shall not be on the Board for more than all in all twelve consecutive years.
  10. In electing members of the Board, the Assembly shall try to ensure both continuity and renewal, which are equally indispensable, and strive for fair representation of fields, gender and regions.
  11. The President of the Board:
    1. Is the President of CIPSH.
    2. Presides over the sessions of the Executive Committee.
    3. Represents CIPSH in all official relations with other institutions.
    4. Coordinates with the Secretary-General the activities and agenda of the Board.
    5. May delegate her or his powers to the Secretary-General or other members of the Executive Committee.
    6. Shall have a quality vote, in case of a tie in the deliberations of the Board, the Executive Committee and the General Assembly, except in case of election of new officers of CIPSH.
  12. The Secretary-General, acting under the authority of the Board:
    1. Directs and conducts the daily business of the CIPSH Board in cooperation with the President and the Treasurer
    2. Represents CIPSH in all ordinary business circumstances, with the assent of the President.
    3. Makes up the minutes from the CIPSH business meetings, dispatches these and other correspondence, organizes meetings, and prepares and distributes the publications authorized by the Board,
    4. May delegate her or his authority to the Deputy Secretary-General or another member of the Executive Committee.
  13. The Treasurer:
    1. Shall make the payments of the CIPSH in accordance with the agreed-upon budget and decisions of the Board, the Executive Committee, and the General Assembly
    2. Shall monitor the accounts of members and the affiliates showing the use made of subsidies granted by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Board and the Executive Committee.
    3. Maintains a regular correspondence with the Treasurers (or equivalent officers) of the member organizations and affiliates of CIPSH.
    4. Shall draw up an annual financial report and a budget, which shall be submitted to the Executive Committee.
    5. Shall propose to the Board, the Executive Committee, and the General Assembly the annual fees of respectively members and affiliated organizations.
    6. Shall monitor and oversee the financial reports of CIPSH chairs, Diogenes and other projects of CIPSH.
    7. Shall have the accounts of CIPSH audited by an expert accountant.
  14. The Vice-Presidents will have special tasks and competences as defined by the Board. They may represent the President upon her/his request.
  15. The Deputy Secretary-General and the Deputy Treasurer will assist, respectively, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer in the completion of their tasks.

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