CIPSH Chairs Programme
CIPSH announces a new initiative designed to highlight and encourage existing research networks of centers of research in the humanities and to attract greater attention to the humanities worldwide and enhanced recognition of their importance in contemporary society.
World Humanities Report
One of the outcomes of the 2017 World Humanities Conference, organized by CIPSH and UNESCO, was recognition of a need for deeper understanding of the humanities in all world regions. Based on this recommendation, CIPSH decided to undertake a World Humanities Report.
Humanities, Arts and Society
Humanities, Arts and Society is a project established by CIPSH with UNESCO-MOST and Mémoire de l’Avenir. The project aims to bring together the approaches of human sciences and the arts to society, promoting global understanding, foresight, and collaboration.
Who We Are
The CIPSH is a non-governmental organization within UNESCO, which federates hundreds of different learned societies in the field of philosophy, human sciences and related subjects.
The CIPSH coordinates the international works and researches carried out by a huge constellation of centers and networks of scholars. It favors the exchange of knowledge among faraway scholars and fosters the international circulation of scholars, in order to improve the communication among specialists from different disciplines, enforce a better knowledge of cultures and of the different social, individual and collective behaviors and bring to the fore the richness of each culture and their fruitful diversity.

Member Organizations
Established in 1949 at the initiative of UNESCO, CIPSH is comprised of scholarly organizations that conduct and encourage research in the fields of philosophy and the various disciplines belonging to the humanities in the broadest sense of the term.
A Peer-Reviewed Journal of the CIPSH/ICPHS
Following a discussion in CIPSH soon after its establishment in 1949, Diogenes was founded by Roger Caillois in 1952 in the framework of the Council. Diogenes is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published under the patronage of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences. It fulfills an international mandate, with editions in English, French, and Chinese.
As well as being of interest to specialists wishing to keep abreast of developments in other areas of study, Diogenes is also a valuable resource for members of the general public with an interest in contemporary cultural debates.
The journal is currently edited under the coordination of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie, upon a cooperation agreement with CIPSH, until the end of 2024.
Contact Us
International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH)
UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector
7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France
Office and correspondence
Institut de Paléontologie Humaine
1 rue René Panhard, 75013 Paris, France