Zoltán Somhegyi is a Hungarian art historian with a Ph.D. in aesthetics and a Habilitation (venia legendi) in philosophy, and is Associate Professor of Art History at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. As a researcher, he specializes in eighteenth-nineteenth century art and theory, while his other fields of interest are contemporary fine arts and art criticism. He is especially focusing on questions of the aesthetics of ruination and decay as well as environmental aesthetics and landscapes. He was the Secretary General (2016-2022) and he still is Website Editor of the International Association for Aesthetics (IAA), a member of the Executive Committee of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) since 2017, and Deputy Secretary General of CIPSH since 2023, and he is also a consultant of Art Market Budapest: International Contemporary Art Fair.
For more information, see here.