Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques / International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences

Year of Foundation: 1931 
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 1955
President: Prof. Janusz Kozłowski

UISPP integrates all sciences related to prehistoric and protohistoric development: archaeology, anthropology, paleontology, geology, zoology, botany, environment, physics, chemistry, geography, history, numismatics, epigraphy, mathematics and other.

Research on adaptation mechanisms and human societies’ behavior dynamics are at the center of the scientific interest of UISPP. For this aim, UISPP periodically organizes a world congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences, on which occasion the progress of knowledge is presented and common research goals are set. For these, UISPP creates scientific commissions devoted to specialized research themes.

The increasing specialization of disciplines, of organizations and of scientific events requires a particular effort for their integration and communication, UISPP taking such responsibility. It secures the promotion of pluri-disciplinary and inter-institutional collaborations through the regional and thematic scientific commissions and affiliated organizations, sharing similar objectives, as well as with other scientific institutions.

Its aim is the collaboration of scholars from all countries through initiatives that may contribute for the advancement of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences, based on full academic freedom and refusing any sort of discrimination. It also rejects any attempts of fictional rewriting of the past or of negationism, and it doesn’t exclude any bona fide scholar from its scientific activities.

Website: www.uispp.org

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