Publications by Member Organizations

Published by the International Academic Union

  • Novum Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis
  • Corpus Tumulorum Scythicorum et Sarmaticorum
  • Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum
  • Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini
  • Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500)
  • Assyrian Dictionary
  • Mexican Muralism (product of the revolution of 1910) in America
  • Encyclopaedia Iranica

Published by the International Federation of Classical Studies

  • Année philologique
  • Thesaurus linguae latinae
  • Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum

Published by the International Committee of Historical Sciences

  • Bibliographie internationale de l’humanisme et de la Renaissance

Published by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies

  • Bibliographie de la Philosophie
  • Teaching of Philosophy on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century, ed. by D. Evans & I. Kuçuradi, Ankara, FISP, 1998
  • The Idea of Values, ed. by W. McBride, Ankara, FISP, 2003 (under press)
  • Open Problems, series ed. by J. Hintikka, Kluwer, Dordrecht

Published by the International Permanent Committee of Linguists

  • Bibliographie linguistique
  • Atlas of the Languages of the World in Danger of Disappearing (New Edition)

Published by the International Committee for the History of Art

  • Bibliographie d’Histoire de l’Art

Published by the International Association for the History of Religions

  • Science of Religion Abstracts and Index of Recent Articles 

Published by the International Union of Oriental and Asian Studies

  • Turkology Annual 

Published by the International Musicological Society

  • Répertoire international des sources musicales
  • Répertoire international de la presse musicale

Other Publications

  • Giulio Preti, Écrits philosophiques. Texts edited and presented by Luca M. Scarantino. With a foreword by Jean Petitot. Paris, Cerf, 2002. 
  • E. Anati, La struttura elementare dell’arte, Edizioni del CCSP, Capo di Ponte, 2002
  • Sciences et philosophie en France et en Italie entre les deux guerres, ed. by Luca M. Scarantino & Jean Petitot, Vivarium, Naples, 2001
  • A. Garbini – M. Gigante – J. Bingen, Tre scavi archeologici come misura del mondo mediterraneo, Vivarium, Naples, 2001
  • Paolo Parrini, Luca M. Scarantino (éds), Il pensiero filosofico di Giulio Preti, Guerini e associati, Milan, 2004.
  • M. Mazziotti – O. Faracovi – L. Scarantino – I. Toth, Federigo Enriques: Matematiche e Filosofia, Luca M. Scarantino & Ornella Pompeo Faracovi, Belforte, Livourne, 2001

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