Ouvrages Recommandés Pour la Traduction Par le Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines (CIPSH)


  • 40.000 anni di arte contemporanea. L’arte rupestre in Europa. 40,000 years of contemporary art – by Emmanuel Anati & al.
    Through the visual languages of early Europeans a vision of the origins of the European culture gives us a new image of this continent and its people ; 40,000 years of human creativity, from the arrival of homo sapiens, our direct ancestor, to the birth of the first nations, offers a novel perception of history and a new awareness of European identity. Europe has acquired its present shape in this long sequence of millennia. 
  • Arte rupestre. Il linguaggio dei primordi (World Rock Art. The primordial language ) – by Emmanuel Anati
    In 1983 UNESCO commissioned a World Report on the state of research in Rock Art, the paintings and engravings in caves and on rock surfaces. After 10 years, in 1993, another state of research in Rock Art was commissioned by ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites). 
  • Bir Sevgiyi Görüntüleme (Visualiser un amour ) – de Tahsin Savaç
    24 poèmes d’amour à l’échelle humaine. 
  • Canli Maymun Lokantasi (Le restaurant du singe vivant) – de Güngör Dilmen
    Le sujet de cette pièce est la rencontre entre deux cultures, la chinoise et celle de l’ouest américaine, mais aussi entre le riche et le pauvre, qui en dépit de leurs nombreuses différences, partagent également les affres de la solitude. L’incommunicabilité entre les êtres s’exprime ici dans une langue poétique mais recourt parfois aussi à des images chocs. 
  • Esodo tra mito e storia. Archeologia, esegesi e geografia storica ( Exodus between myth and history. Archaeology, exegesis and historical geography) – by Emmanuel Anati
    Was Moses’ epos myth or history ? The biblical narration of the exodus and the Sinai Mountain revelation is a monumental literary work, which has been handed down for over two thousand years, after being transmitted orally for centuries. What really did happen during the exodus? How was the monotheism born? 
  • Estetica (Aesthetics) – by Tudor Vianu
    The Aesthetics by Tudor Vianu is the first treatise of Aesthetics in the Romanian bibliography. It represents an original scientific contribution to this field. It covers and analyses all essential subjects of aesthetics. Its subjects cover: the philosophy of art; the phenomenology of the work of art; the psychology of artistic creation. It exercised a great influence over Romanian culture an it has an universal significance. 
  • Etik (Ethique) – Ioanna Kuçuradi
    Cet ouvrage se propose de jeter un éclairage sur les différentes sortes de relations humaines et sur l’introspection de l’être humain. Il tente de démontrer que la possibilité d’une action juste et bonne dépend du savoir dans ses différentes expressions. 
  • Felsefi Antropologi (Philosophie, anthropologie) – de Takiyettin Mengüsoglu
    Ouvrage philosophique 
  • Filosofija kal istorija filosofii (Philosophy as History of Philosophy) – by T. I. Oizerman
    The author investigates the plurality of philosophical conceptions as an expression of the nature of philosophy. From his point of view philosophical theses can be substantiated, but can’t be proved. Philosophy interacts with natural and social sciences, but can’t be reduced to them. T. Oizerman shows that some ideas of Kant and Hegel concerning knowledge have important contemporary significance – not only for philosophy, but also for cognitive sciences. 
  • Gobustan Azerbaijan – by Emmanuel Anati with the contribution of F. Muradova, R. Djafargulu M. N. Faradjeva
    During hundreds of centuries, the Gobustan, a province of Azerbaijan, was a great centre of rock art. This gateway of Europe, between the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea, was a major route for migrations and transitions from Asia to Europe. The importance of Gobustan rock art lies in its extremely long sequence: over 30,000 years. 
  • Kassandra kai Oalla Poiamata (Cassandra and Other Poems) – de Zoe Karelli
    Pour Ioanna Kuçuradi, ce sont les plus beaux poèmes jamais écrits sur l’homme et sa destinée. 
  • La religione delle origini (The beginning of religion) – by Emmanuel Anati
    Are the religions of historical times expressions of different origins, or rather are all religions a product of the same matrix? There is some evidence of religious activity even before the appearance of Homo sapiens, and these manifestations, which were further developed with the emergence of our direct ancestors, can be defined as the religion of origins because from there developed all subsequent religious thought and concepts. 
  • Personalismul Energetic (The Energetic Personalism) – by Costantin Radulescu-Motru
    In contrast with the fideist tendency of different forms of personalistic philosophy, The Energetic Personalism by Costantin Radulescu-Motru enlarges upon a philosophical rationalist outlook which is grounding on the unity between human person and the material nature. This unity is founded on energy which dominates the whole universe. Personality is then a form of energy in its perfect act. The whole development of energy from nature is orientated towards building and perfection of human personality. 
  • Retorica e logica (Rhétorique et logique) – de Giulio Preti
    Ce livre constitue un effort remarquable de la part de Giulio Preti de définir les caractères spécifiques d’une culture fondée sur une communication « rhétorique », par opposition à une société dont la culture serait principalement « scientifique ». Ce travail constitue l’une des premières tentatives au monde de décrire philosophiquement la forme de communication propre à une société de masse et de la comparer à une organisation démocratique de la culture. 
  • Tapa Tapa – by Emmanuel Anati
    A collection of valuable “cloths” from Oceania made of beaten tree bark is accompanied by old photographs (1920-1923) in which the same tapas appear in their daily use as cloths, mats and blankets. The tapas are the last expressions of a prehistoric tradition: probably the oldest kind of fabric ever made by man. 
  • The Riddle of Mount Sinai: Archaeological Discoveries at Har Karkom – by Emmanuel Anati
    This book presents new archaeological evidence unearthed by the Italian Archaeological Expeditions at Har Karkom. Sanctuaries and altars located on the mountain and at its foot, as well as numerous remains of campsites, tell the hitherto unknown story of a sacred mountain in the heart of the desert of Exodus. This mountain was a paramount cult site for the desert people over the course of millennia. The biblical narratives seem to refer to just one chapter in the history of this mountain. 
  • Trilogia culturii (The Trilogy of Culture) – by Lucian Blaga
    The Trilogy of Culture by Lucian Blaga is a great work of philosophy of culture. According to it, the world consists of three parts: 1) Horizon and Style, 2) The Miorritic Space, 3) The Genesis of Metaphor and the Meaning of Culture. In this work Blaga develops an original philosophical theory of culture which makes up an important contribution to contemporary philosophy.
  • Valcamonica. Una storia per l’Europa (Valcamonica Rock Art. A new History for Europe) – by Emmanuel Anati
    When the rock art of the Camonica Valley was recognized by UNESCO in the “World Cultural Heritage” list, making it the first Italian site to receive such an honor, many people wondered why. The rock art of the Camonica Valley gives testimony to 10,000 years of history, 8,000 of which, predating the rise of Rome, were practically ignored by modern research.
  • Who’s Who in Rock Art. A World list of specialists, scholars and technicians – by Ariela Fradkin Anati
    In 1985, the 1st edition of this work was published as a joint project between ICOMOS-CAR and Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici to create a world list of specialists in the field of rock art studies, in order to facilitate the sharing of information and help the advance of research. Since then the numbers of specialists has doubled. The new edition of this work bears the names of over 400 specialists from 50 countries, involved in the various aspects of research, preservation & interpretation.
  • Yannis Ritsos için Onihi Siir (Douze poèmes pour Yannis Ritsos) – de Ozdemir Ince
    Ces poèmes traduisent la grande amitié qui unit un grec et une poète turc.


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