International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology / Division of Logics, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Year of Foundation: 1949
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 2015
President: Menachem Magidor

The IUHPST is the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. It represents the research fields of history of science and technology and philosophy of science and technology, as well as research studying the foundations and methodology of science and technology in general, including the study of logic. These fields are linked to the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences, and are interdisciplinary in nature. The Union represents both national and international institutions related to these fields.
The Union consists of two independent divisions, each with its own membership and governance structure: the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST) and the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DLMPST). Each of the divisions is an institution in its own right with statutes, members, commissions, and activities. The Union forms an umbrella for the two divisions and uses the governance structure of the divisions for its own purposes according to the Memorandum on the Cooperation of the two divisions.

The DLMPST is the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology. Its objectives are:

  1. to promote contacts among logicians, philosophers of science and scientists interested in the foundational problems of their disciplines, and among institutions dedicated to logic, methodology, and philosophy of science;
  2. to encourage and sustain research and study of important problems in logic, methodology, and philosophy of science;
  3. to collect documents useful for the development of logic, methodology and philosophy of science;
  4. to organize, sponsor, and support international meetings of logic, methodology and philosophy of science (International Congresses and Symposia), and to publish reports, Conference Proceedings, and other works related to such meetings.

The main activity of the DLMPST is its quadriennial congress. So far, fifteen congresses have been organised in Stanford (1960), Jerusalem (1964), Amsterdam (1967), Bucharest (1971), London ON (1975), Hannover (1979), Salzburg (1983), Moscow (1987), Uppsala (1991), Florence (1995), Cracow (1999), Oviedo (2003), Beijing (2007), Nancy (2011), and Helsinki (2015). The next congress will be held in Prague in 2019.

Website: http://dlmpst.org/

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