International Positive Psychology Association

Year of Foundation: 2007
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 2017
President: Prof. Lea Waters

Positive psychology is the scientific study of what enables individuals and societies to thrive. The International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) was founded in 2007 to carry forward the research and application of positive psychology.

The mission of IPPA is threefold:

  1. To advance the scientific study and ethical application of positive psychology.
  2. To facilitate collaboration among researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners of positive psychology around the world and across academic disciplines.
  3. To share the findings of positive psychology with the broadest possible international audience.

IPPA has a global membership of nearly 2500 researchers, practitioners, and students. We just held our 5th World Congress on Positive Psychology in Montréal, Québec, Canada in July, with more than 1300 attendees from 58 countries present.

Since IPPA’s mission is well aligned with the work of CIPSH, we believe that by working together we can help each other reach our common goals for the betterment of humanity. We look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration.

Website: www.ippanetwork.org

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