International Geographic Union / Union Géographique Intrenationale

Year of Foundation: 1922
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 2015
President: Prof. Yukio Himiyama

The International Geographical Union (IGU) is one of the world oldest international academic associations founded in 1922 and holding its Congresses since 1876. Nowadays it reunites geographical communities of 90 countries. Its mission consists in promoting the study of geographical problems, initiating and coordinating geographical research requiring international cooperation, its scientific discussion and publication. The activities of IGU are focused on facilitating the collection and diffusion of geographical data and documentation in and between all member countries, and the participation of geographers in the work of relevant international organizations, including ICSU and CIPSH. IGU sponsors the sessions of its 42 Commissions and two Task Forces representing different geographical sub-disciplines and interdisciplinary fields, holds International Geographical Congresses, Regional and Thematic Conferences in the periods between them, and other meetings in furtherance of the objectives of the Union. IGU participates in any other appropriate form of international cooperation with the object of advancing the study and application of geography, promotes international standardization or compatibility of methods, nomenclature, and symbols employed in geography.

Website: igu-online.org

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