Association International pour l’Histoire des Religions / International Association for the History of Religions

Year of Foundation: 1950
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 1951
President: Prof. Tim Jensen

The IAHR is a worldwide body of national and regional associations for the academic study of religion. The IAHR was founded in 1950 at the 7th international congress of the history of religions in Amsterdam. The 2015 IAHR World Congress took place in Erfurt, Germany, and the 2020 IAHR World Congress will take place in Dunedin, New Zealand.
The IAHR has 40 national and 7 regional member associations as well as 6 affiliated societies, – reflecting its international and global character and aspirations.
The IAHR is composed of a General Assembly, an International Committee, and an Executive Committee. The GA meets at each quinquennial congress and is composed of all members of all constituent member associations present. The International Committee, consisting of two voting delegates from each national or regional association, meets during every world congress and once in-between the quinquennial congresses. The Executive Committee consists of 12 members, representing diverse geographical areas, featuring as reasonable a gender balance as possible.
Apart from the quinquennial congresses, the IAHR sponsors regional and special conferences in as many parts of the world as possible. This serves to promote the academic study of religions worldwide, to support the work of IAHR members and affiliates, and to encourage international collaboration and intercultural ex-change between scholars.
The IAHR seeks to promote the activities of all scholars and members who contribute to the historical, social, and comparative study of religion. The IAHR is the preeminent international forum for the critical, analytical and cross-cultural study of religion, past and present. The IAHR is not a forum for confessional, apologetical, or other similar concerns.

Website: www.iahr.dk

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