International Association for Aesthetics / Association Internationale pour l’Ésthétique

International Association for Aesthetics logo

Year of Foundation: 1913
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 2015
President: Prof. Rodrigo Duarte

The IAA currently consists of 30 collective members, i.e. national and regional societies for aesthetics, and hundreds of individual members. The main aim of the IAA is to give institutional recognition to aesthetics as a field of humanistic knowledge, to encourage and promote inquiry into aesthetics, and to disseminate its findings. The IAA does this by publishing the IAA Newsletter (published on this website), IAA Yearbooks, and organizing international congresses: the last ones being those in Seoul in 2016, Belgrade in 2019 and Belo Horizonte in 2023. All scholars interested in philosophical or other kinds of aesthetics and in related areas such as art history, comparative literature, musicology, visual arts, cultural studies. etc., are invited to become members of our Association, thus joining a community of aestheticians which has institutionally existed for a century.

Website: iaaesthetics.org/

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