General Assembly

About the General Assembly  

  1. The members of the Council form its General Assembly.
  2. The General Assembly is chaired by the President of the CIPSH.
  3. The General Assembly:
    1. Approves the strategy and global budget of the CIPSH.
    2. Decides on structural options concerning the scientific, editorial and other outreach policies of the CIPSH.
    3. Elects the Executive Committee.
    4. Admits new member organizations, having the right to delegate this competence, until the next General Assembly to the Executive Committee.
    5. Has the power of decision on all matters concerning the functioning of the Council and the accomplishment of its mission.
    6. Approves the creation of special projects and designates the scholars responsible for them, namely:
      1. The Director of the journal Diogenes.
      2. Other special scientific or outreach global projects.
    7. It alone can decide on the exclusion of any member.

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