Executive Committee Members (2023-2027)
About the Executive Committee (cf. CIPSH Constitution ARTICLE VI – Executive Committee)
- The Executive Committee is the main decision-making body in-between sessions of the General Assembly.
- The Executive Committee is composed of:
- The elected Board;
- Two scholars proposed by the International Union of Academies;
- One scholar with voting rights designated by each member;
- One representative without voting rights appointed by each affiliate society;
- One representative without voting rights appointed by each of the strategic CIPSH projects and upon the recommendation of the Board.
- Former Presidents of CIPSH automatically become Honorary Members of CIPSH and have the right to attend the meetings of the Executive Committee and General Assembly, without voting rights.
- The terms of office of each member of the Executive Committee is decided by the members and affiliates who shall appoint their delegates/representatives. Normally, a member of the Executive Committee shall be appointed for the period between two consecutive General Assemblies.
- The Executive Committee meets at least once a year: in between meetings of the General Assembly and before the meeting of the General Assembly, for:
- Approval of minutes from the most recent meeting.
- Approval of the annual report of activities.
- Approval of the plan of activities for the following year.
- Approval of the related specific budgets.
- Approval of the reports, plans and budget of special projects.
- Appointment of special and temporary committees.
- Approval of the agenda prepared by the Board for the meetings of the General Assembly.
- Endorsement of major projects in the field of the human sciences and award of grants for them.
- Recommendation of new members and affiliates.
- Approval of any other issues that may be considered relevant.
- Following each of the meetings of the Executive Committee, the Secretary-General shall prepare, within 15 days, a first draft of the minutes of the meeting, including reports presented. After a revision of this draft of minutes by the Executive Committee, a final version will be adopted within 30 days from the meeting and the Secretary-General shall circulate it to all the members and affiliates of CIPSH.
- The Executive Committee will make its decisions within the framework of the directives formulated by the General Assembly, especially where financial matters are concerned.
- In case of justified need and upon approval of a majority of two thirds, the Executive Committee may meet via video-conference.
- The Executive Committee may opt for an electronic ballot for the vote on any issues of its competence, except when stated otherwise in the Constitution, in the By-Laws or in deliberations of the Executive Committee itself.