CIPSH Board Meeting
CIPSH Board Meeting in Goa, India organized by the Board of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (CIPSH).
CIPSH Board Meeting in Goa, India organized by the Board of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (CIPSH).
The aim of this symposium is to assist in the mobilization of a broader and stronger social and human sciences response to the growing demands of environmental change. By mobilization, we mean both the need to bring to the debate tools and perspectives of scholars from the humanities and the social sciences, even if they have not previously worked on sustainability and environmental issues, as well as the need to raise awareness of the fundamental importance of integrating those areas of research and knowledge in order to address environmental change.
XXXth General Assembly of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (CIPSH) to be held in conjunction with the XXVIIIth General Assembly of the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and A Joint Scientific Symposium on "Changing Nature – Changing Sciences? The Challenges of Global Environmental Change for the Social Sciences and Humanities."
XXIXth General Assembly of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (CIPSH) to be held in conjunction with the XXVIIth General Assembly of the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and a Joint Scientific Symposium on "Knowledge and Transformation: Social and Human Sciences in Africa."
Participation du CIPSH à la mise en place d'une "Collection virtuelle d'oeuvres représentatives de la littérature mondiale"
CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL DE LA PHILOSOPHIE ET DES SCIENCES HUMAINES Maurice Aymard Secrétaire général du Conseil international de la philosophie et […]
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