University of Chinese Academy of Sciences hosting: “New Humanities: Fostering Interaction between Humanities and Sciences”, an International Conference Celebrating CIPSH 75th Anniversary.

The 75th Anniversary of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) is a momentous occasion that warrants a conference to reflect on past achievements and chart a path for the future. On this occasion, with endorsement from the CIPSH, the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) proudly announces the International Conference Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the CIPSH, to be held in Beijing, China, on 21-24 September 2024.

Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Conference

The PSA's 29th biennial meeting is scheduled to take place in New Orleans, LA from Nov 14-17, 2024. Founded in 1933, the Philosophy of Science Association promotes research, teaching, and free discussion of issues in the philosophy of science from diverse standpoints. To this end, the PSA engages in activities such as: the publishing of periodicals, essays and monographs; sponsoring conventions and meetings; and awarding prizes for distinguished work in the field.

Biennial Conference of the World Philology Union: Philology and the Narrative Heritage

Uppsala University

This year’s conference program focuses on how philologists engage with the narrative heritage of different cultures. It seeks to define and showcase the vital role that our discipline has played, and continues to play, in curating, analyzing, interpreting, and teaching stories preserved from all regions of the world.

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