Year of Foundation: 2011
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 2017
President: Prof. Silvana Colella

ECHIC is a non-profit international association of research institutes, centres, departments and universities based in Europe. 

Since its founding, the Consortium has served as a joint platform for reflection about research in the humanities, and as a network for the dissemination of information and exchange of best practices. We pursue a threefold aim: 1) to foster theoretical discussions about the future of the humanities in the 21st century; 2) to lobby for the humanities in dialogue with funding and policy-making bodies at the European and national levels; 3) to develop sustainable partnerships for collaborative projects and other activities.

ECHIC has a membership of over 50 institutions based in 20 European countries. We place great significance on collaborations with like-minded international organizations, such as CHCI (Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes), EASSH (European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities) and CIPSH. Every year ECHIC organizes a European Conference for the Humanities. The 2018 ECHIC conference will take place in Leuven under the topic of “Equip & Engage: Research and Dissemination Infrastructures for the Humanities”.


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