Diversities: A Scholarly and Professional Journal

ISSN: 2079-6595

Current Issue

Diversity and Small Town Spaces: Twenty Years Into Post-Apartheid South African Democracy, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2013

Guest Editors: Melissa Steyn and Richard Ballard

Diversities is a scholarly and professional journal, published by UNESCO, to provide a platform for international, interdisciplinary and policy-related social science research in the fields of migration, multicultural policies, and human rights.

Special Note to Our Readers

Please note that the International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS) has undergone a title change. The new title as of May 2010 is Diversities. No other substantive changes were made to the Journal.

The new ISSN for Diversities (2079-6595) has been linked to the ISSN for the IJMS (1817-4574) for bibliographic reference and records. Generic reference to the journal may be made using the URL www.unesco.org/shs/diversities. Thank you for your understanding.

The opinions expressed in Diversities are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNESCO.

Diversities is an on-line only publication, available via www.unesco.org/shs/diversities and on the directory of open access journals www.doaj.org.

Editorial Office
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
P.O. Box 28 33
37081 Göttingen, Germany
Email: diversities(at)mmg.mpg.de

Publication Director

  • Golda El-khoury, UNESCO


  • Marian Burchardt, Max Planck Institute (Göttingen)

Layout and Design

  • Birgitt Sippel, Max Planck Institute (Göttingen)

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