Comité International des Sciences Historiques / International Committee of Historical Sciences

Year of Foundation: 1926 
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 1949
President: Prof. Andrea Giardina

The International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS) or Comité International des Sciences Historiques (CISH) has been founded in Geneva on May 15, 1926. Today, the organization encompasses a total of fifty-three countries. The ICHS includes two sorts of organizations. First of all, there are the National Committees formed in each country from their individual centres for historical research. In addition, International Commissions specializing in particular fields of history (some known as ‘International Affiliated Organizations’ and others as ‘Internal Commissions’) have formed over the years.

The ICHS was created in order to promote the historical sciences through international co-operation. In particular it organizes every five years, in collaboration with the National Committee of the historians of the host country, an International Congress of Historical Sciences. It may handle, patronize or support financially the publication of reference works of general interest and the organization of scientific symposia or of other events encouraging the spread of historical thought and knowledge. It shall defend freedom of thought and expression in the field of historical research and teaching, and is opposed to the misuse of history and shall use every means at its disposal to ensure the ethical professional conduct of its members.


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