CIPSH Documentation

Report on the XXXIV General Assembly of CIPSH

14-15 December, 2020 Lisbon (online)...

Summary of Decisions of the XXXII General Assembly of CIPSH

The General Assembly of CIPSH met in Beijing, at the Friendship Hotel, the 7th December 2015, on the occasion of the XXXII General Assembly of the CIPSH...

Links of IYGU Pages on Social Media Platforms

We are happy to share the news that IYGU is now present on the main Social Media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube...

IYGU Press Releases

Here you can download the press releases on occasion of the official proclamation of 2016 as the International Year of Global Understanding by the three international councils of the natural, social and human sciences (ICSU, ISSC and CIPSH) have...

IYGU in Newsletter WSSF Durban


Letter CIPSH to IYGU



View PDF Presentation Why Do We Need IYGU? What For? How Will CIPSH Intervene? Follow-Up The Scope of Understanding...

CIPSH: Continuing with A Long Tradition, A New Agenda Towards A World Conference of the Humanities

CIPSH was established the 18th January 1949, as an academic NGO aiming at favoring international cooperation and fostering research and the dissemination of its results in the domain of Philosophy...

Reports of the SG

Report 2004-2006 (French Only)

À LA XXVIIIe ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DU CIPSH Alexandrie, Égypte 8-9 Novembre 2006...

Report 2002-2004 (French Only)

À LA XXVIIe ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DU CIPSH Pékin, Chine 17-18 Novembre 2004...

Report 2000-2002 (French Only)

À LA XXVIe ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DU CIPSH Porto Novo, Bénin 22 Septembre 2002...

Report 1998-2000 (French Only)

Vous me pardonnerez, je l'espère, de prendre quelques libertés avec les règles habituelles d'un rapport moral. L'expression, même confirmée par l'usage, évoque un exercice de style, savamment équilibré, où les difficultés rencontrées par le passé, et...

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