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Why Do We Need IYGU?

  • Growing divide between people’s perceptions of their needs and their own understanding of the nature of global process and of the relevance of sciences in this context
  • Growing alienation and disruptions
  • Growing loss of mid to long term reasoning
  • Need to resume a comprehensive understanding of life, and of the place knowledge and science play within it

What For?

  • To resume understanding the integrated nature of short, mid and long term processes
  • To resume understanding the role of imagination in building new and better avenues for facing current distress
  • To resume understanding that sciences are crucial for the interpretation of needs and constraints
  • To resume understanding that believing is a core component of the process of inventing the future

How Will CIPSH Intervene?

  • Conveying all human sciences and philosophy to build a comprehensive and integrated approach to daily concerns through the understanding of middle and long term processess.
  • Stressing cultural diversity as the core of humans resilience, thus objecting to any sort of unique thinking.
  • Fostering interdisciplinary approaches and bridging divides with natural and social sciences.
  • Enhancing the visibility of best practices of integration of the different sciences into a common framework for the benefit of people.
  • Linking major projects and regional conferences of the Humanities to IYGU.


  • Humans and the Environment
  • Cultural identities, cultural diversity and intercultural relations
  • Tangible and intangible heritage
  • Boundaries and Migrations
  • History, memory and politics
  • Humanities in a digital society
  • It is urgent to promote new daily behavior attitudes rooted in the culture of being, not the culture of having, as the foundation for an harmony with the environment in its widest sense.
  • This is the reason for the International Year of Global Understanding and the World Conference of the Humanities in 2017, in Liège, must discuss the theoretical basis of this change of paradigm.

    Adama Samassekou

The Scope of Understanding

  • In what we show ourselves we are ignored
  • The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
  • Unto our very selves we are abridged When we would utter to our thought our being.
  • We are our dreams of ourselves souls by gleams, And each to each other dreams of others’ dreams.

    F. Pessoa 1918, English Poems

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