Comité International Permanent des Linguistes / Permanent International Committee of Linguists

Year of Foundation: 1928
Year of Affiliation to CIPSH: 1949
President: Prof. Frieda Steurs

CIPL is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose aim is to promote the knowledge of linguistics throughout the world, to encourage the development of linguistic science and to stimulate co-operation among linguists.

Each five years, CIPL organizes a world conference ICL in close collaboration with national committees of linguistic research. Every year CIPL prepares and publishes a Linguistic Bibliography which aims at giving a complete and reliable survey of all linguistic publications, irrespective of the country of their appearance or the language in which they are written. In co-operation with UNESCO, CIPL sponsors special linguistic projects such as projects in the field of Endangered Languages.

CIPL is a founding member of CIPSH and contributes in the following ways to the world cultural heritage and world humanities:

  1. By trying to further linguistic research all over the world;
  2. By informing the world community of linguists of the most recent publications in the field of linguistics (the Linguistic Bibliography)
  3. By organizing every 5 years a world conference on linguistics (e.g. Geneva 2013 and upcoming Cape Town 2018) and organizing classes and lectures by international experts in the field (e.g. Leiden, London, Tiblisi, Vilnius, Jakarta, Bangkok, etc.)  The topics discussed at the congresses reflect the rapid growth of linguistics as a science and its manifold interfaces with psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and many other sciences. The expansion and specialization of linguistics is impressive. At present no scholar can claim to be conversant with the whole of the linguistic literature. Even more limited fields, such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and semantics are developing at a rate which makes them increasingly difficult for the individual scholar to follow without reliable bibliographical assistance.
  4. By stimulating research in the field of Endangered Languages (by financial endorsement of workshops on that issue), and this in cooperation with UNESCO (following an official resolution in 1992)
  5. By giving an award to the best publication on threatened languages


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