Chinese President Meets UNESCO Head

SHENZHEN, China, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) — China will continue to strengthen friendly cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Chinese President Hu Jintao said here Thursday.

Hu said China places great importance on its friendly cooperation with UNESCO and has actively supported and participated in UNESCO-led activities such as universal education and protection of cultural and natural heritages.

Hu made the remarks as he met with UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova on Thursday afternoon.

Bokova is in Shenzhen to attend the opening ceremony of the 26th Summer Universiade to be held here Friday. This is the second official visit that Bokova has made to China in the capacity of UNESCO Director-General.

During the meeting, Hu pointed out that UNESCO is the world’s largest inter-governmental organization in the areas of education, science and culture. It has a large number of members and wide influence, Hu said. He praised UNESCO for the important role that it has played in promoting universal and better education, advance of science and technology and cultural innovation.

Bokova said she is honored to attend the opening ceremony of the Shenzhen Universiade. She expressed appreciation on the important role that China has played in UNESCO’s work. She said as an important member of UNESCO, China actively participated in the organization’s work to promote universal education, especially in supporting the development of developing countries.

Bokova expressed the wish that the two sides should further strengthen cooperation.

Over the years, China and UNESCO have carried out fruitful cooperation in the areas of universal education, occupational education, higher education, world heritages, biological circles, oceans, hydrology and geology.

As the first female head of UNESCO, Bokova visited China in 2010 and attended the Shanghai Expo.

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