CASS – Digitizing Documents Support Social Sciences

Chinese Social Sciences Today

The Report on Digital China Construction and Development 2017, released by the National Internet Information Office on May 9, indicates that the National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation (NCPSSD) has made prominent contributions to the integration and sharing of academic resources in philosophy and social sciences.

Established based on the spirit of the speech General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping made to a symposium on the country’s work in philosophy and social sciences in 2016, NCPSSD is a national-level commonweal information service platform for philosophy and social sciences. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences led the construction of the center. It was officially launched in December 2016.

NCPSSD has rapidly developed in the past year. It has collected more than 16 million documents, including more than 2,000 premium domestic academic periodicals. The number of individual registered users is nearly 7 million, institutional users nearly 1,200. More than 15 million documents have been downloaded on this platform. In particular, the center is now used in more than 30 countries or regions as well as nearly 200 institutions abroad, greatly promoting the “going out” of Chinese culture.

(Edited and translated by Yu Hui)

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