CASS Aspires to Be A High-Level National Think Tank

Chinese Social Sciences Today    

The Symposium on Building the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) into a High-Level National Think Tank was held in Beijing on May 24.

Xie Fuzhan, CASS president and secretary of the leading Party members’ group of CASS, attended the symposium and delivered a speech. Xie emphasized that it is necessary for CASS to offer advice for the Party and government decision-making in the new era. In his speech, Xie called for CASS to build upon its strengths and highlight its unique features to build the academy into a high-level national think tank with great influence and international reputation.

Providing intellectual support for the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, CASS has made great contributions to the decision-making process of the Party and the government. However, it is essential to be keenly aware that the work of building the think tank still has room for improvement, which demands further intensifying think-tank construction, delivering high-quality output and cultivating talent,” Xie said.

In his speech, Xie stressed several approaches to the construction of the think tank. It is necessary to focus on the exploration of major theories and reality in the new era while enhancing the research on strategic, overall and comprehensive issues. In this way, scientific research could serve for the Party and country’s work and contribute to the realization of national rejuvenation.
The need to improve the influence of the think tank’s decisions and its global discourse power requires the strong ability to choose topics and positioning, conducting in-depth research and argumentation as well as coming up with solutions or suggestions.

Furthermore, CASS should build upon its comprehensive advantages. Cooperation and communication among different disciplines must be enhanced to yield more high-quality output.

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