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Partner News

World Social Science Forum 2018

The 4th World Social Science Forum will be dedicated to the theme of “Security and Equality for Sustainable Futures” in Fukuoka, Japan, from 25 to 28 September 2018. The Forum is organized by the International Social Science Council (ISSC), under the patronage of UNESCO.

Member News

CASS – Digitizing Documents Support Social Sciences

The Report on Digital China Construction and Development 2017, released by the National Internet Information Office on May 9, indicates that the National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation (NCPSSD) has made prominent contributions to the integration and sharing of academic resources in philosophy and social sciences.

Humanities Highlights

The UNESCO Courier is 70: Attending the School of Free Thought

In the 1960s, a teenager dreamed of escaping the cramped confines of his home in a poor neighbourhood in Montevideo, where he lived with his parents, who were barely literate. He wanted to go far, and went on to pursue a brilliant career in pure and applied mathematics in Brazil. He was eventually elected rector of the University of the Republic in Uruguay, in 2014. But before that, Roberto Markarian attended another kind of school – that of free thought – which he discovered within the pages of the UNESCO Courier.

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