Author name: Admin

Partner News

2011 in Social and Human Sciences

Over the past year UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Programme has been active in many areas ranging from support for philosophical dialogue between Africa and The Americas, climate change and migration, democracy in the Arab World to how youth drive change worldwide.


History of Civilizations of Central Asia

Readers will discover through this six-volume work cultures that flourished and vanished from the dawn of civilization to the present time and how the history of the ancient and medieval world was shaped by the movements of peoples in this heartland of Eurasia, stretching from the Caspian Sea to the borders of China.

Partner News

ISSC Discusses the Future of International Science at the World Science Forum

The ISSC, represented by Francoise Caillods, senior managing editor of the 2010 World Social Science Report, took part in a parallel thematic session on the future of international science at the World Science Forum in Budapest. Francoise’s contribution, which focused on the state of the social sciences and their role in responding to global priority challenges, followed from presentations by John Marks, chair of the ICSU Taskforce on Foresight, and Nebojsa Nakicenovic, director of the Global Energy Assessment.

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