ANHN – The 14th ANHN Annual Meeting & Session of Shanghai Forum 2017

The 14th ANHN Annual Meeting & Session of Shanghai Forum 2017
亚洲现代性: 寻求共同道路——第十四届亚洲新人文联网会议暨上海论坛2017子论坛

ANHN 14th Annual Meeting


  • Fudan Development Institute


  • International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization (ICSCC), Fudan University
  • Asian New Humanities Net


  • Jin Guangyao (Fudan University)
  • Hsiung Ping-chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Asian New Humanities Net)

Time:13:30-17:00, May 27th
Venue: 5F, 5th Floor, Shanghai International Convention Center

Panel 1
Host: Li Tiangang

  • Prasenjit Duara: Network Asia: Histories of the Future
  • Sara Guyer: Displacement in Place: Considering Modernity in Asia and Beyond
  • Luiz Oosterbeek: The 21st Century Agenda of Modernization :A Humanities Challenge

Panel 2
Host: Lim Jie-hyun

  • Lee Cheuk Yin: Asian Values as the New Impetus for Asia
  • Tansen Sen: Modernity and Pan-Asian Contacts:The Maha Bodhi Society and the Revival of India-China Buddhist Connections
  • Oki Yasushi: An Index to Memories of the Ming: Poetic Exchanges on Early Qing Female Entertainers

Time: 8:30-16:45,May 28th
Venue: Room 103,1st Floor, East Wing Building of Guanghua Towers, Fudan University

Panel 1
Host: Hao Yufan

  • Wang Ning: Global Modernity and the(Re)Construction of China’s Alternative Modernity
  • Prapin Manomaivibool: Chinese Rites in Thai Royal Court
  • Harold P Sjursen: Vernacular Modernity in 20th Century Shanghai

Panel 2
Host: Wang Ning

  • Fred E.Schrader: The Moral Crisis of Modernization. E. Durkheim on the Constitution of Market Society
  • Yu Zhejun: Rationality of Coexistence
  • Jorge Barreto Xavier: The Construction of an Inclusive Modernity

Panel 3
Host: Hsiung Ping-chen

  • Hao Yufan: The Development of Macao and the “One Belt one Road initiative” in the Context of Globalization
  • Huang Hsin-ya: Railroad Matters: Chinese Labor in Building the First Transcontinental Railway in North America
  • Premesh Lalu: The Humanities as a Critique of Global Apartheid

Panel 4
Host: Jin Guangyao

  • Hsiung Ping-chen: How Long is Enough to Examine Modernity? Thoughts from Two Cases
  • Wang Jie: The Contemporariness of Aesthetic Research and Studies of Aesthetic Institutions——Two Important Principles of Cultural Governance
  • John Crowley: Trajectories of modernity. A Comparative Perspective

Hsiung Ping-chen: Conclusion Speech

Chinese-English Simultaneous Interpretation Provided


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